Wow. Working towards enabling POSSE (Publish Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) is…um…fun. I’m moving slowly forward, getting syndication working manually, trying to get things to work properly without intervention. Hasn’t happened yet; I can manually repost most blogposts (potentially including this one) and get them to post to FB and G+, but auto-posting isn’t working yet. AFAICT, it’s something to do with the builtin WP-Cron. In other words, now I have two problems…*sigh*.

Also having issues with (the synchronization of replies and likes etc. back to my site), but that’s actually working fairly well. I’m not mad; this entire process is complicated, fidgety, and pretty brittle. It’s interesting to work through this entire thing, and I expect that we’ll resolve these issues eventually. It’s kinda fun!

Earlier today, I published a post about getting POSSE working on my blog; in effect, a way to publish at directly, but syndicate both the posts (to facebook, g+, etc.) and the responses (*from* facebook, g+, back to my blog). It’s been a learning experience, and very interesting. I’m most of the way there, I think, but the bridging plugin that I’m using to share *to* the Social Web has a hangup; you can’t use it to “reshare” something that has already been published. Like, for example, the test post I made earlier today. *sigh* So I’m just writing this up real quick to be my first test post…let’s see how it goes!

(Inside baseball note to other POSSE-folk: I’m currently using Jetpack vs. SNAP, because I don’t want to turn off 2 factor authentication for G+. I’m going to see what the Jetpack posts looks like; if I don’t like the format, I may turn on SNAP for everything *but* G+. After all, why use only one plugin when I can use two and make things even more complicated! LOL)

A busy lunch today; I’m hacking on my website. I’m working on enabling POSSE (Publish Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere), an IndieWeb publishing model that I’ve read about for some time, but I haven’t taken the time to wrangle with. POSSE allows me to initiate my writing here, on my own site, and a) simultaneously publish to Facebook, Twitter, etc. plus b) poll those external sites and retrieve the comments, likes, reshares, etc. and publish them here.

That’s fantastic…I much prefer to write here at my personal site, but getting interactions here on “the old blogger’s Web” is way more difficult than just dropping a few lines into Facebook and seeing them get 5 or 6 likes in an hour. With POSSE enabled, all the Social Web interaction will get pulled back to my site as well, which is pretty cool.

I’ve been inspired by Dave Slusher and Thomas Gideon in this regard. Both of them have jumped through the hoops required to make this thing work, and I’ve got tabs open to both of their sites right now — they very helpfully detailed the process, and I’ll do the same once everything is complete. I’m looking forward to seeing how this works!