I talk as I travel today…driving back to Atlanta. I discuss my family, my summer SiriusXM trial, pro sports preferences, and some work I’m doing to add an intro and/or outro to the ‘cast.

(Update: I should have listened to this before posting…the car noise is much louder here; I must have been too far from the mike for some reason. I’m trying to fix “in post” [ie, by mucking around a bit at the Auphonic website]. Fingers crossed).

(Update 2: No joy, really. I may continue to fiddle with it, but for now, my tweaks haven’t resulted in much. If I come up with something better, I’ll replace the audio file and that point and save my future subscribers some pain…)


Dog Days of Podcasting
Evil Genius Chronicles
The music of Paul Fidalgo (to be used with permission!)

Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

A lazy Sunday podcast; not much going on, other than watching the BBC 12th Doctor announcement special, and the block of shows following that highlighted each of the original Doctors (1-7). I also installed Locket on one of my Android devices today, using Dave Slusher’s referral code. Boy, talk about a wild and crazy afternoon! See ya again tomorrow.


Dog Days of Podcasting
Peter Capaldi to be 12th Doctor
Doctor Who
Locket (Android lock screen app)

Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

I’m still working out what sorts of things I’ll be talking about on a daily basis for the next month…podcasts (more navel gazing!) and books that I’m reading seem like pretty good ideas. But we’re getting in the groove!


Dog Days of Podcasting
The Kingkiller Chronicle
Rule 34 (Halting State, Book 2)

Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

Looks like two in a row…so far, so good! Down to the wire on this one, but we made it. I was travelling, so another short post; mostly about the changes necessary to the post-production work and setup. Don’t worry…these all won’t be navel gazing!


Dog Days of Podcasting
My Twitter feed
My G+ profile

Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

Holy revived podcast, Batman! Kenzoid’s Autonomous Zone has *returned*! With only a slightly over 4 year hiatus! Thanks to Dave Slusher and the Dog Days of Podcasting for the inspiration!


Dave Slusher — Evil Genius Chronicles
Dog Days of Podcasting
Dragon*Con (insanely cool sf and popular culture convention)
Auphonic (audio post production web service for podcasts)

(Note: after I had finished the episode, I determined that blip.tv no longer allows audio-only uploads. I’m going to have to move my entire podcast archive from there to another site, and redirect everything. But I’m not going to worry about it until after Dragon*Con and the Dog Days of Podcasting…for now, my RSS feed redirect will have only the new episodes: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss. We’ll straighten things out after Dragon*Con.)

Episode links: direct MP3 download link

This episode is a straight up review/discussion of James Boyle’s newest book, “The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind”. I’ve added a couple of links here to his website, and some of the other authors mentioned in the podcast.

Episode links: direct MP3 download link, or blip.tv page.

Here is the blip.tv page and direct MP3 download link for the October 9th episode.

This episode is primarily about sharing some podcast favorites (old and new), and chatting about Dragon*Con and other recent events. I manage to include the Beatnik Turtle song How Did I Google This? at the end, after tracking it down after I was finished with the podcast.

(Note: I also discovered I’ve got some high-frequency hiss/whine in this episode, which may be from my new microphone. I wasn’t able to get it completely out…I apologize. I will work on it for next episode.)

click here to play this podcast