I was planning on replying to Tabitha’s request for discussion about marriage, but I’m postponing it a day. Instead, I had a few “slice of life” moments to share. 1) My bluetooth headset has died! It sucks; I have a backup, but it’s pretty janky; I need to get a new one. 2) I have come up with an excellent way to listen to podcasts while working; I Google Cast them to the TV! Great audio, and no bluetooth connection issues (there they are again!) to the phone. It still distracts me a tiny bit, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to bother me as badly from the TV. (this may indicate that I’m a chlid of the 70s and 80s…). 3) I’ve come up with a activity option for my lunch time; a walk around the neighborhood that just *happens* to give me chances at between 2 and 6 Pokestops (depending on the exact walk). Given that stops are otherwise non-existent near the house here in Wingate, it’s a win-win!!


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