Well, a new era here. I’ve been trying to figure out how to store potential podcasts w/o hammering my server. (a recent potential solution is podshow.com…but a)
I’ve been thinking about it for longer than they’ve been around, and b) they’re not actually open yet.)

I want to keep the media off of my DSL line, to avoid the bandwidth crunch. Maybe using my io.com account, or speakeasy (my ISP) web storage. But I’m planning on dropping my io.com account (another end of an era), and what if I moved from speakeasy someday? How can I get something permanent?

I’ve been looking at webhosting plans for my media files…and crossing my fingers for ourmedia.org‘s shoe to drop. Consider it dropped. I had heard ourmedia.org was in the works, and the scuttlebutt promised unlimited, permanent media storage (through the
Internet Archive). Just what I need! They just went live (alpha) finally this week, so I got my account set up pronto.

And heck, we might as well EXPERIMENT, eh? So my compadres and I have been toying with a podcast format centered on our caffeine runs at work. We take a little break, walk up to…a really big coffee
company (who KNOWS what you can and cannot say, you know??), and chat along the way about all sorts of insanely non-interesting-to-anyone-but-us stuff. Absolutely perfect for a podcast, eh? We even did a test run with my iPaq on-board microphone back around Halloween of last year (2004). Never did anything with
it…but I kept the file. *grin*

So, without further ado…3 DBAs, Walking to Starbucks. (Direct MP3 URL [coming soon to an RSS enclosures feed near you!] ) Oh, I know…it’s horrible. But how else do you learn? Should be fun.

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