OK, OK…so we had to finally officially give up on the Dog Days of Podcasting! Life intervened this past week, but regardless…the DDoP managed to get me back into the groove of podcasting. Mission accomplished.
In my first post-DDoP episode, I ramble a bit about podcasting meta (scheduling, subject matter, workflow, etc.), complain about the BoingBoing RSS feed, discuss our coming robotic overlords, mention the new availability of the Feynman lectures at Caltech, wax rhapsodic about hummingbirds, and finally nerd out a bit about my DHCP server leases. All in all, a good podcast!
BoingBoing RSS feed
The Feynman Lectures on Physics (text)
The Feynman Messenger Lectures (YouTube video)
MIT Robotic cheetah
Energy harvesting Internet of Things radio
My Twitter feed
My G+ profile
My Facebook profile
My Flattr profile
Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link