Wow…I mean, I’ve always found the notion of papal infallibility cool and all (well, ok, Coke-through-the-nose funny, really…but cool sounds better), but it’s got NOTHIN’ on the President. Secrecy News links to the text of a recent Congressional floor statement where Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) described the contents of three Office of Legal Council opinions that he had been able to review. Among the gems:
An Executive order cannot limit a President. There is no
constitutional requirement for a President to issue a new
Executive order whenever he wishes to depart from the terms
of a previous Executive order. Rather than violate an
Executive order, the President has instead modified or waived
it. -
The President, exercising his constitutional authority
under article II, can determine whether an action is a lawful
exercise of the President’s authority under article II.
Awesome! It’s like superpowers!!
PS: Yes, all my Catholic compadres, I am aware of (at least generally) the nuances of papal infallibility. I was fascinated with it at one point in time, and spent some time researching the subject. Fun stuff.