Found a couple of new audioblogs that I’m liking. Adam Curry (formerly of MTV) now lives in Amsterdam, and does a good blog. Lately, he’s also been doing an audioblog as well (link is to a specific date…I can’t find a audioblog-only list on his site.)

From Adam’s site, I bumped into another good blogsite, Evil Genius Chronicles (Dave Slusher). Seems interesting, and he’s also started audioblogging. I like his topics…cool guy. And he’s pretty funny.

This stuff rocks. I have a couple of portable players, depending on situation. I have a iPaq 1945, with a 256MB SD card…perfect for tons of audio and video. I’m presently re-watching XFiles from DVD ripped to about 100MB 320×240 46k audio. Watches like a champ on the iPaq. Still plenty of space for audio, too. I usually have a couple of hours of audioblogs, IT Conversations, etc. on there as well. Sometimes even music if I’m in the mood!

I also have a tres cheap ($30) CF card only player, and an old 64MB CF card. This is great for running and such…the player is limited (no FF/RW within a given file, for example, just “previous/next”…and no ID3 title info)…but not something that I find a big deal. (More along the lines of “whooptie freakin doo”, actually). I dump something (audioblog, some music) onto the CF card before I leave, and I’m ready to go.

After some initial fascination with the video playing, I’m actually spending more time with the audio stuff. The blogs and interviews are timely and interesting, and I get some good points of view. Recommended.

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