Oops! So…it doesn’t take much to miss a day, does it? Dang it. Well, let’s just move forward; hopefully I can make yesterday my only miss during this Dog Days.

Today, I give my impressions (I wouldn’t really call it a review) of the Nexus 5. tl;dl — it’s the bomb. First smartphone I’ve ever used that I think could be some people’s primary computing device. We really are entering (yet another) new era.

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Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

This is a quick one. I’m tired, my brain is fried, and I just want to squeak something in for the day. Apologies; I’ll be back on track tomorrow. Have a great Friday night, everyone!

PG Holyfield’s GoFundMe page

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Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

I discuss the sad news of PG Holyfield’s passing, the general idea of friends and tribes of like-minded folks, and my feelings towards those I care for. A bit of a sappy episode.

PG Holyfield’s GoFundMe page

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Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

My Nexus 5 analysis was upstaged again by events. I decided to buy and check out a Chromecast today, and the sad state of my “broadband” Internet connections (thanks Comcast!) prompted me to go on a bit of a rant about the current state of net connectivity. I got a little cranky.

On a more somber note, I express my sadness at the news of PG Holyfield’s serious medical condition. It’s heartbreaking, and I strongly encourage folks to consider donating to Patrick and his family at the GoFundMe URL in the show notes.

PG Holyfield’s GoFundMe page

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Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

I started out planning to discuss the Nexus 5, then made a detour into my service provider Ting, and my history with smartphones in general. Because, you know…I figured you all needed to hear about that. LOL

Ting Rate Schedule

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Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link

So far, so good… we’ve got two in the can now. I’ve really been enjoying all the DDOP podcasts that I’m trying to catch up on now, and I’m also working on scrobbling all my podcast listening to a new (podcast-only) last.fm account. At least that’s the idea…not quite happening yet. Time to tweak the fiddly bits.

My podcast listening last.fm profile
My regular last.fm profile

My Twitter feed
My G+ profile
My Flattr profile

Feed URL: http://kenzoid.com/podcast.rss
Episode links: direct MP3 download link